Pen Launcher-Center/Rim Fire
Pen Launcher is the size of a fountain pen, comprised of a metal tube, firing pin, spring and pocket clip. The user pulls down on the firing pin lever placing it in the loading position. As the top of the pen launcher is threaded, the user would screw in either a flare or bear banger (cracker). The user would then take the firing pin lever (while holding the pen launcher vertically over one’s head) pull it down and release. The firing pin will engage the flare or banger projecting it into the air.
User Instructions:
The user pulls down on the firing pin lever placing it into the loading position (first slot). As the top of the pen launcher is threaded, the user would thread either a red flare or bear banger onto the pen launcher. The user would then pull the firing pin down and put it into the firing position (second slot). While holding the loaded pen launcher over the user’s head, release the firing pin. The firing pin will engage either the red flare or bear banger projecting it into the air. Center Fire. *NEVER PRE-LOAD THE PEN LAUNCHER. ONCE THE USER HAS A CARTRIDGE IN THE PEN LAUNCHER IT MUST BE FIRED. NEVER AIM THE PEN LAUNCHER AT ANOTHER HUMAN OR ANIMAL.